Cat Inn Around is now available for the discriminating buyer offering long-range cruising luxury and exceptional fuel economy. Cat Inn Around will cruise over a thousand miles at trawler speed or power you over 400-miles at speeds up to 22½-knots (26 mph). She cruises efficiently with her twin 315 Yanmars at 3,200 rpm yielding speeds of 17½ to 19½ knots (20-22.4 mph) depending on hull cleanliness, waves, wind and currents. At 3,200 rpm she usually cruises at about 18½ knots. Multi-hulls or Catamarans are prized for their fuel economy and Cat Inn Around is no exception. For example, she cruised from Dinner Key (South of Miami) to Fernandina Beach in three days (fast cruise – except no-wake zones) on 340 gallons of fuel. In essence, traveling over 350 miles while using less than one gallon per mile, exceptional fuel economy for a big cat traveling that fast! At wide open throttle Cat Inn Around has clocked speeds in excess of 22½ knots (25 mph mph).
All of this speed and fuel economy come with lots of space. She has four staterooms with four ensuite bathrooms and showers. The master cabin is currently configured with side-by-side king beds. There is a removable partition that can divide the cabin in half, making two forward suites. With the two queen sized aft suites, (photos of suites) we have had plenty of room for quests and have never installed the partition. The salon is spacious and easily accommodates a crowd (photos of salon) with a kitchen that has everything needed to host a party or prepare an evening meal for the family. Both the aft-deck and the bridge offer additional seating when hosting a large party or dinner (photos of bridge).
Cat Inn Around is easy to operate. At first, her size (48-foot by 21½-foot beam) may seem intimidating but with propellers that are 17-feet apart, she can literally turn in her own space. She is very maneuverable, especially in tight spaces and has more than enough power to work against wind and currents. The Yanmars are responsive putting her on a plane quickly. Cat Inn Around has a high clearance over the water easing both handling and comfort in choppy seas. To get a better feel of her performance, click on this video Cat Inn Around cruising. She has a GPS, Radar and Auto-pilot all easily accessible from the helm. She has a lot of other equipment (list of equipment) designed to making the best of boating life. There is a special emphasis on communications with a digital satellite TV receiver, WiFi amplifier and a cellular phone amplifier (we have experienced a range of over 10-miles at sea). She also has a wide-screen TV and three separate stereos (salon, master suite, bridge).
While she has everything you would want for an extended cruise, she is also a great live-a-board home.
If you have any interest, please contact us.
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