In the Spring of 2012 our 100-day cruise on Cat Inn Around took us 1,288 NM from Amelia Island, through the Florida Keys, the Abacos (Bahamas) and back home. Cat Inn Around demonstrated phenomenal fuel efficiency, speeding us along at 18-19½ knots burning just .992 gallons per mile. Normally running the twin 315-hp Yanmars at 3,200 RPMs (84% of their 3,800 maximum RPMs) she cruised at between 17½ & 19½ knots (19.4 & 21.7 mph) depending on hull cleanliness, waves, current and wind direction. Typically she cruises at about 18½ knots (21 mph). At WOT (wide open throttle) she clocks speeds in excess of 22½ knots (25 mph).
In a strange coincidence, over our 100-day cruise we traveled an average 213–miles between fill-ups and added an average 213-galons of diesel. With a capacity of 454-gallons, we were refueling when the tanks were at 46.9% of capacity (although the fuel gauge typically showed about 40% remaining). Performance is actually better than the .992 gpm; the diesel consumption also includes running the generator 129.8 hours during our cruise. The generator pulls from the main tanks and is typically operated about 4-hours per day to keep the batteries topped-off when we are not connected to shore power. We were connected to shore power about half of the time.
One of the main selling points of power catamarans, especially Cat Inn Around is the fuel economy and she has lived up to her claims. To travel at 18½-knots (21 mph) and to burn less than a gallon per mile is phenomenal fuel efficiency for a big luxury Cat!