In the Spring of 2012 our 100-day cruise on Cat Inn Around took us 1,288 NM from Amelia Island, through the Florida Keys, the Abacos (Bahamas) and back home. Cat Inn Around demonstrated phenomenal fuel efficiency, speeding us along at … Continue reading
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Hayfu II is an impressive site entering Black Sound, Green Turtle Cay in May 2012. Cat Inn Around, a 48-foot power cat, is awed by the 82-foot custom catamaran as she approaches and passes to dock at Black Sound Marina. Continue reading
In a man-made basin off of Boot Key Harbor, Marathon Florida, we caught some great photos of this gentle giant. Sailor Mike, moored in front of us on Windshadow, dubbed him Marathon Manatee. At first he was so still we … Continue reading
If ‘special places’ has a definition, for cruisers it has to include Boot Key Harbor! Boot Key is a famous Florida Keys ‘hurricane hole’ – a sheltered basin inside Vacca Key, all of which comprises the City Limits of Marathon … Continue reading
Please click on one of the sub-galleries under the menu or below: People Abacos New Plymouth Green Turtle Cay Gully Roosters Hope Town Marsh Harbor Treasure Cay Intracoastal Waterway
On day seven of our trip down the Intracostal Waterway we are anchored off of Taviener Key. After six days of the piloting the boat, we decide on a day of rest. Anchored in a light chop while working on unfinished projects, Continue reading
On Tuesday March 20, 2012, Cat inn Around transited the Intracoastal Waterway from North Biscayne Bay (Mile Marker 1,084) to Tavenier Key (Mile Marker 1,155). Cat Inn Around pulled anchor at 9:55 am to clear Bay Harbor’s Broad Causeway for the scheduled 10:15 am opening. Waiting a few minutes, the bridge opened on schedule and we passed through. North Biscayne Bay is beautiful; crystal clear waters offer a rainbow of blues in the bright morning sun. The temperature is about 85º and the there is just a light breeze. Progressing south we see the skyscrapers of downtown Miami growing on the horizon. North Biscayne Bay opens-up and becomes a wider body of water and the ‘no wake zone’ is gone. We push the twin Yanmars to 3,300-RPM and are cruising at about 18½-knots.
Cat Inn Around pulled anchor at 9:55 am to clear Bay Harbor’s Broad Causeway for the scheduled 10:15 am opening. Waiting a few minutes, the bridge opened on schedule and we passed through. North Biscayne Bay is beautiful; crystal clear waters offer a rainbow of blues in the bright morning sun. The temperature is about 85º and the there is just a light breeze. Progressing south we see the skyscrapers of downtown Miami growing on the horizon. North Biscayne Bay Continue reading
On Monday March 19, Cat Inn Around transits the Intracoastal Waterway from West Palm Beach (Mile Marker 1015) to Upper Biscayne Bay, Mile Marker 1084. Cat Inn Around pulled anchor at 9:01 and passed under the Parker Bridge entering the … Continue reading
On Sunday, March 18, 2012, Cat Inn Around pulled anchor just north of the St. Lucie inlet and transited the Intracoastal Waterway to West Palm Beach (Mile Marker 1015). Once clearing the St. Lucie inlet the ICW transforms from a … Continue reading
On Saturday March 17, 2012, Cat Inn Around transited the Intracoastal Waterway from our anchorage in Cocoa Beach to an anchorage just north of the St. Lucie Inlet at Mile Marker 986. From Cocoa Beach the Indian River is a … Continue reading
On Friday March 16, 2012, Cat Inn Around left the anchorage in St. Augustine (MM 777.9) and journeyed South along the Intracoastal Waterway arriving in Cocoa Beach (MM 897) near dusk. Even with all of our antennas lowered, The Bridge … Continue reading
March 15, 2011 Cat Inn Around left home port at Oyster Bay at (mile marker 724) and transited the Intracoastal Waterway to St. Augustine. We set a secure anchor at mile marker 777.9 in front of the Bridge of Lions … Continue reading
Partying with the crew from Southwest Airlines near Cumberland Island on Cat Inn Around. Anchored close to shore in Cumberland Sound, the Island’s wild horse’s natural curiosity beckoned them close enough for everyone to appreciate the rare sight. After enjoying … Continue reading
Cat Inn Around is now available for the discriminating buyer offering long-range cruising luxury and exceptional fuel economy. Cat Inn Around will cruise over a thousand miles at trawler speed or power you over 400-miles at speeds up to 22½-knots … Continue reading
A beautiful, warm summer evening in August on Lake George, the final destination on our trip from Amelia Island up the St. Johns River. It is approaching dusk and we move Cat Inn Around about 300-feet off shore of the … Continue reading